How we Test
Most of our test are Short Term Tests used during real estate transactions. We use Sun Nuclear 1030 Continuous Radon Monitors with results in as little as 48 hours when "Closed-House" conditions are followed before and during the test. We then email a PDF copy of the full report later that day.
Long term tests are also available using Alpha Track Detectors, that last from 91 days to 1 year.
Short Term Tests
Short-term tests are usually 2 to 7 days long and are done under "closed-house" conditions. Closed house conditions mean that the house is closed up for at least 12 hours before the test and for the duration of the test.
- Exterior windows and doors are kept shut, except for normal entrance and exit.
- Fans and blowers which move air from the outside of the house to the inside, or exhaust inside air to the outside, are turned off, including swamp coolers.
- Whole house fans should be off.
- Air conditioners should be put on “recycle" or "max.-cool," but not on the "fresh air" setting.
- Combustion or makeup air to gas fired appliances are NOT to be closed.
If testing during warm weather, keep the air-conditioning on and set the fan to recycle indoor air. Do not use the "fresh air" setting. Evaporative coolers, sometimes called "swamp coolers" should be turned off during the test to avoid bringing outdoor air into the house.
Long-Term Tests
A long-term test of 3-12 months will provide your best estimate of average exposure over time, since radon levels fluctuate daily and by season. Because gases are drawn to areas of lower pressure, radon gas will enter the home at a rate that depends on the air pressure inside the home, which is affected by temperature, wind conditions, exhaust systems in the home, etc. Long-term testing should include the winter months, when radon concentrations are often higher than at other times.
Long-term test devices are usually either alpha track detectors or electrets; both tests are considered equally reliable and accurate.